Human Resource Management B.Com (p) Chapter 2 Role, Status and competencies of HR Manager

 Human Resource Management B.Com (p) Chapter 2 Role, Status and competencies of HR Manager

Role of Human Resource Manager:

HR Manager plays variety of roles on the basis of needs of the firm. He also reminds managers of their moral and social duties and obligations towards the employees and the society at large. He acts as a mediator and helps to maintain industrial peace and reduce conflicts.
He is sometimes called the 'third force' in the industry. The role of Human Resource Manager may be analysed as follows: 

(1) As a specialist: HR Manager is an expert and thus he advices the departmental heads on various issues concerning HRM such as recruitment,  selection, training, appraisal, etc. He Provides information, suggestions and help and is considered to be a major help than a source of threat to the line managers.

(2) As a Controller: He assists the line managers in implementation of HR policies and programmes effectively. His suggestions are important for monitoring and controlling the progress.

(3) As a Liaison man: He acts as a linking agent between different departments of the firm.

(4) As an information source: He provides valuable information about the labour market and the labour laws. He plays the role of record keeper and researcher to provide the required information.

(5) As a change /agent: He  can act as in internal change agent to initiate necessary improvements in HR practices. He can also provide required infrastructure and support for organisational development. He acts as  an innovator in HR issues.

(6) As a fire fighter: He act as a shock absorber and a trouble shooter. He is the management's defence against trade unions.

Competencies of HR manager 

The HR Manager must be able to deal successfully with people who have different likes and dislikes. He has to deal with the workers. The other competencies of the HR Manager are as follows:

(1) Fairness and Firmness: The basic quality of the HR Manager is fairness and firmness. He should be fair in matters of promotions/demotions, transfers and enforcing discipline.

(2) Tactful: He must be tactful in dealing with difficult situations. Tact implies determining what is good and fair in trying conditions and skill in dealing with most demanding situations. The HR Manager must be resourceful, too. He should have an open mind, objectivity and adjustability to tackle a difficult matter from different angles.

(3) Sympathy and consideration: He must be guided by a sympathetic attitude towards the employees demand. He should have patient listening, open mind and concern for the employees. The intentions and actions of the HR Manager must be tempered with consideration for others.

(4) Knowledge of labour laws and other Terms: It is desirable that the HR Manager is familiar with the legal provisions affecting labour. He must be aware of the government's policy towards labour and general economic conditions prevailing at a given point of time.

(5) Broad Social Outlook: It is desirable that the HR Manger has a social outlook and contributes towards the betterment of quality of life of the employees and those who live around and beyond the organisation.

(6) Educated and Experienced: The HR Manager is expected to contribute to the strategic direction of the organisation that employs him, by helping create and sustain the competitive advantage of the organisation. To play such strategic roles, the HR Manager needs to be well-educated and experienced.

