One Marks Questions From CBSE Question papers

Important One mark Questions from CBSE Question papers
As CBSE changes its pattern, So it's most important to study One marks questions because in question paper there will be 10 questions carry one mark each, to solve this problem study more and more one marks questions but the questions which was already asking in CBSE question papers that will be very helpful for us.
1. CRR refers to ------(a) Credit reserve rate(b) Cash reserve ratio(c) Central reserve ratio(d) None of these
2. Retirement pension is ------(a) A king of transfer payments
(b) a kind of corporate tax
(c) a kind of deferred wage
(d) None of these
3. The value of multiplier lies between-----
(a) 0 to 1
(b) 0 to ∞
(c) -1 to 1
(d) 1 to 

4. The central bank is ----
(a) an apex bank
(b) the sole agency of note-issuing
(c) Focuses on stability and growth of the economy
(d) All of these
5. In which type of Economy  domestic income s equals to national income----
(a) Open Economy
(b) Closed Economy
(c) Both A and B
(d) none of these
6. Who regulated money in India?
(a) The RBI
(b) The commercial Banks
(c) The Government
(d) All of these
7. Define excess demand.
8.What do you mean by money.
9.Which of the following is not a transfer payments----
(a) Old age pension
(b) scholarship
(c) School fees paid by the students
(d) payment of wealth tax
10. In  expansionary monetary policy, the central bank-----
(a) Increases Bank Rate
(b) Increases margin requirement
(c) Purchases securities in the open market
(d) All the above
11. State two main components of money supply.
12. What can be the maximum value of marginal propensity to save?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) -1

13. Is national income is a stock concept or flow concept?
14. Can purchase of a new car  can be categorized as an intermediate good?

15. Define GDPmp

16. Give one example of negative externalities.

17. Credit creation by commercial banks is determined by -----
(a) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
(b) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
(c) Initial Deposits
(d) All the above

18. State the two components of M1 measure of money supply.

19. Define aggregate supply.

20. Define revenue deficit.

21. If the marginal propensity to consume is greater than marginal propensity to save, the value of the multiplier will be-----
(a) greater than 2
(b) less than 2
(c) equal to 2
(d) equal to 5

22. Demand deposits include----
(a) Saving account deposits and fixed deposits
(b) Saving account deposits and current account deposits
(c) Current account deposits and fixed deposits
(d) All types of deposits

21. What is meant by depreciation of domestic currency?

22. Define marginal propensity to save.

23. Which of the following affects national income?
(a) Goods and services tax
(b) Corporation tax
(c) Subsidies
(d) None Of the above

24. Define money supply.

25. The central bank can increase availability of credit by------
(a) Raising repo rate
(b) Raising reverse repo rate
(c) Buying government securities
(d) Selling government securities

26. Why does consumption curve not start from the origin?

27.What will be the value of investment multiplier if value of MPC is three times  of value of MPS?
28. When does the situation of  deficient demand arise in the economy?

29. What will be the effect of a decrease in CRR on money supply----
(a) Money supply will increase
(b) Money supply will decrease
(c) Money supply will remain constant
(d) None of these

30. Borrowing requirement is always equal to ------
(a) Capital Receipts
(b) Fiscal Deficit
(c) Revenue Deficit
(d) Primary Deficit

31. -------- increase the liability of the government.
(a) Capital receipts
(b) Capital expenditure
(c) Revenue receipts
(d) Revenue expenditure

32. Define GDP deflator.

33. Which of these is a stock?
(a) Investment
(b) Savings
(c) Exports
(d) Foreign Reserve with RBI

34. What is national income?
(a) Income generated with in the domestic territory of a country in a year.
(b) Income generated by the normal resident of a country in a year.
(c) Income generated with in the country in an year.
(d) None of above

35. What is meant by Zero primary deficit?
(a) Equality between fiscal deficit and interest payments
(b) Equality between fiscal deficit and revenue deficit
(c) Balance budget
(d) Surplus Budget

36. What is full employment?

37. Other things remaining unchanged when in a country the price of foreign currency rises national income is:
(a) Likely to rise
(b) Likely to fall
(c) Likely to rise and fall both
(d) Not affected

38. If MPC = 0, the value of multiplier is:
(a) 0
(b) Between 0 and 1
(c) 1
(d) infinity

39. Who regulates money supply?
(a) Government of India
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c)  Commercial Banks
(d) Planning Commission

40. State the components of supply of money.

41. How will the money supply be affected when there is reduction in cash Reserve Ratio
(a) Money supply will increase
(b) Money supply will decrease
(c) Money supply will remain constant
(d) none of these

42. If saving function is S = 50 + 0.2Y then MPC will be
(a) 0.45
(b) 0.8
(c) 0.65
(d) 0.25

43. Name the situation under which AD falls short of AS at full employment level?
(a) Excess Demand
(B) Deficient demand
(c) Inflationary Gap
(d) None of these

44. Fiscal deficit is equal to ----
(a) Total expenditure
(b) Total Revenue
(c) Capital receipts
(d) borrowing

45. What is meant by primary deficit?

46. If real GDP is Rs 500 and price index is 125, Calculate normal GDP.

47. The ratio of total deposits that a commercial bank has to keep with RBI is called:
(a) Statutory liquid ratio
(b) Deposit ratio
(c) Cash reserve ratio
(d) Legal reserve ratio

48. What is marginal propensity to consume?

49. Which of the following is stock variable?
(a) Water in a river
(b) Population
(c) Wealth
(d) Income

50. Which of the following will increase credit in the country?
(a) Fall in repo rate
(b) Decrease in CRR
(c) Purchase of securities in open market
(d) All of these

51. Define marginal propensity to consume.

52. Gross investment is equal to :
(a) Net investment - Depreciation
(b) Net investment * Depreciation
(c) Net investment + Depreciation
(d) Net investment / Depreciation

53. Money supply is a -------- concept :
(a) Stock
(b) Flow
(c) Both A & B
(d) None of these

