One Marks Questions From CBSE Question papers

Important One mark Questions from CBSE Question papers
As CBSE changes its pattern, So it's most important to study One marks questions because in question paper there will be 10 questions carry one mark each, to solve this problem study more and more one marks questions but the questions which was already asking in CBSE question papers that will be very helpful for us.

 1. If the first quartile is 104 and quartile deviation is 8, the third quartile is :
(a). 130
(b). 120
(c). 136
(d). 146
2. The square of standard deviation is known as :
(a). Variance
(b). Mean deviation
(c). Standard deviation
(d). None of these
3. Standard Deviation is  :
(a). Absolute measure
(b). Relative measure
(c). Both (a) and (b)
(d). None of these
4. Semi-interquartile range is also known as :
(a). Mean deviation
(b). Standard deviation
(c). Quartile deviation
(d). Quartile range

5. The range of the following set of observations   2,3,5,9,8,7,6,5,7,4,3 is :
(a). 6
(b). 7
(c). 5.5
(d). 11
6. Under monopoly, selling costs are incurred for :
(a). Persuading customers for not buying competitor's product.
(b). Informative purpose
(c). Promoting sales of the product
(d). None of these

7. ----------  refers to the minimum price, fixed by the govt, which is above equilibrium price:
(a). Price Floor
(b). Minimum support price
(c). Price ceiling
(d). Both (a) and (b)

8. Equilibrium price remain the same when :
(a). Increase in demand = Increase in supply
(b). Increase in Demand > Decrease in supply
(c). Decrease in Demand > Increase in supply
(d). Increase in Demand = Decrease in supply

9. Demand curve of a firm is perfectly Elastic under :
(a). Perfect competition
(b). Monopoly
(c). Monopolistic competition
(d). Oligopoly
10. Homogeneous products is a characteristic of :
(a). perfect competition only
(b). Perfect oligopoly only
(c). Both (a) and (b)
(d). None of the above

11. In singular sense, statistics means :
(a). statistical science
(b). Statistical Data
(c). Statistical Method
(d). A and C both
12. State two examples of qualitative data.
   State two examples of quantitative data.

13. Which of the following is an economics activity?
(a). Production
(b). Exchange
(c). Investment
(d) All of the above

14. Range is the
(a). Difference between the largest and the smallest observations
(b). Difference between the smallest and the largest observations
(c). Average of the largest and smallest observations
(d). Ratio of the largest to the smallest observations

15. Bar diagram is a
(a). One dimensional diagram
(b). Two dimensional diagram
(c). Three dimensional diagram
(d). None of the above
16. Which is the most important part of a table
(a). Heading
(b). Body
(c). Table number
(d). None of the above

17. Most commonly used measures of central tendency is
(a). Arithmetic mean
(b). median
(c). mode
(d). partition value

18. Mode is the value of a series that occurs---------- times in the series?
(b). maximum
(c). minimum

19.State the formula of calculating median under continuous series?

20. The sum of deviations of different values from actual arithmetic mean is always______.
(a) Zero
(b) Infinity
(c) One
(d) Two

21. Equilibrium is determined where-------
(a) Explanation of buyer match with explanation of seller.
(b) Quantity of demand becomes equal to quantity supplied
(c) Situation of Zero excess supply and zero excess demand
(d) All of these

22. Why PPC is concave to the origin------
(a) Due to increase in MRT
(b) Due to constant MRT
(c) Due to decrease in MRT
(d) None of these

23. When a consumer consumes more and more amount of good the utility derived from the consumption of successive unit ---
(a) Rises
(b) Remains constant
(c) Falls
(d) All of these

24. Central problem of economy arises due to----
(a) Limited supply of resources
(b) Human wants are unlimited
(c) Resources can be used in alternative manner
(d) All of these

25. When supply of a good increases and at the same time demand decrease the equilibrium Price----
(a) Remains unchanged
(b) Falls
(c) Rises
(d) None of these
26. All point inside PPC are
(a) NON attainable combination
(b) Attainable combination
(c) Increasing MRT
(d) All of the above

27. When TR is maximum---
(a) AR is Maximum
(b) MR is Maximum
(c) MR Zero
(d) None of the above

28. Which of the following is true when one unit of quantity is produced?
(a) Marginal Cost > Total variable cost
(b) Marginal Cost = Total variable cost
(c) Marginal Cost < Total variable cost
(d) none of these

29. What do mean by exceptions  to law of supply?

30. Why is the production possibility curve concave to the origin?

31. A firm is able to sell more quantity of a good only by lowering the price. The firm's marginal revenue, as he goes on selling would be:
(a) Greater than average revenue
(b) Less than average revenue
(c) Equal to average revenue
(d) Zero

32. When total revenue increases at an increasing rate MR will ------
(a) Rise
(b) Fall
(c) Remain constant
(d) First fall then rise

33. Which one from the following leads to expansion in supply?
(a) fall in price
(b) rise in Price
(c) Price remain constant
(d) None of these

34. Scarcity is a situation when demand for good is ----
(a) Equal to supply
(b) More than supply
(c) Less than supply
(d) None of these

35. Total production increases at decreasing rate then marginal product.
(a) Increase
(b) Become Zero
(c) Remains Constant
(d) Decreases

36. Which concept of revenue is called price -----
(a) Total revenue
(b) Marginal revenue
(c) Average revenue
(d) None of these

37. Which cost curve is rectangular hyperbola ----
(a) AFC Curve
(b) AVC Curve
(c) AC Curve
(d) TFC Curve

38. What will be happen to PPF if there is technological up-gradation in case of both goods?
(a) Rightward Shift in PPF
(b) Leftward shift in PPF
(c) Rotation of PPF
(d) None of these

39. Average Product cannot be negative because:
(a) Total product can never be zero
(b) Total product can never be negative
(c) Neither (a) nor (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b)

40. Which formula is incorrect to determine the value of TC ----
(a) TC = TVC + TFC
(b) TC = ∑MC
(c) TC = AC * Q
(d) TC  =  ∑MC + TFC

41. In case of perfect competition, a firm is in equilibrium when ----
(a) MC = MR
(b) MC Cuts MR from below
(c) MC is rising when it cuts MR
(d) All Of these

42. Why is production possibility curve concave to the origin?

43. For a perfectly competitive market price would be equivalent to -----
(a) Average revenue
(b) Marginal revenue
(c) Total revenue
(d) Both A & B

43. Define variable Cost.

44. What is meant by change in quantity supplied?

45. Define law of variable proportion.

